Articles & Expert Opinion

The “New Normal”

The “new normal” is sick, soft, stressed, and off-track. How bad is it? And what are we supposed to do about it?

The Silly Diet Wars

What should I eat? How should I eat? When should I eat? The diet wars are a terrible waste of time and energy. The fights over “which diet is the right diet” miss the central issues involved in what and when we eat.

COVID Guidance: What should I be doing?

It’s confusing to know how to best protect against COVID. Here’s what we recommend to our clients – no politics, just science and common sense.

Overweight and underwell

When it comes to being overweight, there are plenty of choices we can take responsibility for. But we don’t know what we don’t know, and there’s a lot of research that proves we aren’t being served the whole story. Here are some of the unhealthy guidelines we’ve swallowed because we simply didn’t know any better.

The American medical system and heart disease

In a country where we spend $50,000/year per family of four, the standard of care isn’t enough. More medications won’t fix what’s really wrong. Specialists only treat symptoms. There’s another way…

Life, love, and death in the time of COVID

Cardiovascular disease has 5 times the projected deaths from COVID-19. In the last 20 years, more than 10 million Americans died prematurely and unnecessarily from heart disease. But you can opt out.

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